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Learning Curve in 2013 More information than ever available Utilizing information for new initiatives Lower barriers of entry than ever

There aren't many universal truths, but one is this that there is more information you don't know than you do.
What has changed over time is the amount of information people have at their disposal. The internet has made knowledge widely available to anybody who chooses to avail themselves.
From learning web development to Continuum Electromechanics, information is widely available online, enough to get any person a solid foundation in almost any subject.
Want to start your own website? You'll need php/html/css, javascript/jquery, and a firm understanding of databases.
Want to deploy your own professional web application? Follow somebody else as they proceed through the necessary steps online1Live Stream Startup YouTube Channel.
The truth is you can learn about any topic online for to attain an intermediate or starting knowledge in nearly any field or profession.
It just so happens that the field with the most tutorials and information online is also the biggest booming field- tech.
You can find tutorials on any programming language for practically every different OS. Not every lesson is simple, but starting from the beginning any person with rudimentary computer knowledge can get going.

There are many sites with free interactive lessons- coursera, Code Avengers, and Codecademy are a few examples.

In addition to the myriad of online learning sites (most of whom offer free classes with interactive lessons) there are also countless videos and examples posted online from various users. While the information in personal content may not always be 100% accurate, it can be used to augment more conventional forms of training/education, and help branch into specific areas away from the general knowledge found in the more conventionally structured classes.

What does this abundant wealth of potential knowledge mean for businesses?
It means that any business has the opportunity available to begin building upon technical projects and resources. It means that employing people to attain technical knowledge and then deploy it should be of the upmost priority.
Hiring a developer based on experience is the primary path. But will that developer have the specific set of tools or knowledge needed for a project? In today's day and age the time spent finding the perfect employee would be better spent hiring somebody close enough and have them learn in your employ, building up your technical resources during that time.
Stockpiling code and knowledge is among the most equitable acts a company can perform. In today's market, the learning curve is such any business can take advantage of this.
Each year the pathway to produce professional caliber content or applications becomes easier. With aids such as cloud computing and powerful development environments combined with an easier development process, the output-to-effort ratio has never been more lucrative or promising.